
Use of the website is at your own discretion.

Neither the owner nor the operator is responsible for the information and comments on this website.

The use of bad language is prohibited, regardless of the language used.

Please note that in written communication, as there is no accent or body language, it can cause many misunderstandings. Instead, ask how the other person understood if you feel it is not clear.

There is freedom of speech, but if the owner or operator of this website deems that your post is offensive to anyone/anything they may delete it and ban you.

Nobody is perfect, including you.

No one is stupid for having a different opinion than you.

To be wrong is human, if you are wrong admit it.

Argue, but “just” does not count as an argument, logically sound arguments are required.

You can learn from debates. Don’t cross boundaries, start from the premise that YOU have boundaries.

You may not use any posts, tags, activities etc. on the site for your own marketing or even for your own direct or hidden marketing purposes.

Postings by competitors or sharing by others will be reviewed and it is the decision of the site owner and operator whether to approve them to be posted on the site.

Posts by or in support of competitors will be reviewed and it will be the decision of the site owner and operator whether to keep the post or delete it. The owner and operator is under no obligation to notify the person in charge or to provide an explanation on the website.

If you do not follow the rules, the site owner and operator may delete your posts and ban you from the site without notice.

What you write or say is your responsibility, we are not responsible for the information you write or say. Any questions asked on the site should be answered to the best of your knowledge, including by you.

We are not responsible for any questions or answers posted on the website or for any misunderstandings or misinterpretations. If any person violates the law or misinterprets or uses the information obtained or read here in a way that is not in accordance with the law and suffers any loss as a result, neither the owner nor the operator of this website shall be liable or held responsible.

We will try to deal with any problems or complaints that may arise on the website in a way that is appropriate for all concerned, but in many cases this may not be satisfactory for everyone.

The readers of this website are different people with different backgrounds, experience and knowledge. We are not all the same. Everyone can write an opinion, but please listen to each other! Often the wording can be hurtful and you don’t know what life situation the other person is in and what you might get out of it, either for yourself or for others. The owner and operator cannot be held responsible for any consequences that may arise from this.

The online world has both advantages and disadvantages. Always consider that you are not talking to someone face to face and for that or any other reason, don’t lie about yourself, don’t take advantage of someone else or even someone else’s vulnerability. Own up to yourself. The owner and operator cannot be held responsible for any problems or consequences arising from such or similar situations.

If you have opinions or ideas, don’t keep them to yourself!

As a user of this website, you automatically accept the NVHE-CIC Rules.

Not knowing the language well does not exempt you from following the rules, it is your responsibility if you suffer damage or loss due to not knowing the language well. For this reason, the owner and operator of the NVHE-CIC website cannot be held liable.

No pornographic, sexual content, images or advertisements of any kind are allowed on the site.

The owner and operator may review this policy and may make additions and changes.